WHILE streaming Netflix movies to my TV, I have to keep my hands moving, so I knit! These two blankets were created from yarn that had accumulated in my knitting basket, so I used up a lot of my excess stash! 
About Me

- JoDee Costello
- I've been making things since I was very young. My first-grade notebooks are full of doodles and drawings. My mom sewed, and on her classic black and gold, 1945-era Singer, I started sewing pieces of fabric together, then doll clothes, and by 7th grade I was making my own dresses for school. I began college in 1968 as an Art major, and continued to experiment with many different media. As a young married woman (age 20!) I began making all my gifts at Christmas time for family members: ornaments, stuffed animals, and many other things. I made curtains and re-upholstered furniture for all the houses we lived in. I took inspiration from every source: magazines and books, nature, museums, stores and TV shows. I've tried pottery, oil painting, water-color painting, fabric crafts of all kinds, knitting, crochet, paper collage, beading and jewelry making, shell crafts, furniture painting, paper-mache creations, doll-making, quilting.....you name it, I've probably given it a try. I still get excitement from seeing something that makes me think, "I CAN DO THAT!!", and I go home and get started.
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