Since I live next to a river, I am always picking up rocks!! I go out to take a walk, and get totally sidetracked looking down for perfectly smooth rocks to paint. I began several years ago by painting FamilyRocks for my friends for their birthdays. The groups consists of a nice smooth stone with the family name on it, and then smaller stones with each of the first names of the family members. As I progressed, I began to incorporate special logos, symbols and colors that are specific to each person. Because of privacy issues, I have not posted many of those rocks, but I do include my own family group near the bottom of the page. I began taking special orders from other friends and families who had seen the rocks in the homes of the "giftees". Later I started painting a series of StateRocks, that include the name of the State and the State Flower. Then there are the ThemeRocks, which focus on something someone loves: baseball, wine, cars, frogs, etc.
My latest focus has been creating rocks to remember special occasions or trips. People always wonder how I can paint such small seems to come naturally to me. I've had a lifetime fascination with all things miniature!
I do take special orders, so contact me if you would like to discuss your own special rock collection.
An example of a StateRock, painted for a friend who was born in Kansas. |
A ThemeRock, painted for a wine enthusiast. All rocks pictured here measure about 1 - 1 1/2 inches. |
I've done many of these Colorado Rocks, usually for visitors as a memento of their visits. |
I did a whole series of HolidayRocks, the possibilities are ENDLESS!!! |
I love to do Spanish years of being a Spanish teacher has given me such a love for the language and culture. |
An example of a "member" of a FamilyRocks group.....the little boy loves trucks. |
This family member is obviously a Cubs fan, and likes music...and other things! |
This is my own group of should be able to tell some of our individual interests if you look closely! |
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